The Flathead Lake countryside is beautiful in any season. If you are a huckleberry hound, you'll find them all along this route, the gateway to Glacier National Park. The osprey's drift high over the lake and can be seen high on posts and poles overlooking the lake. Wildlife is a rule rather than an exception. I hope you'll take the short scenic online tour of Montana's Flathead Valley and see for yourself how beautiful and rich it is in arts and culture.

Tipi's brother, Mark, Skeezer, calls this valley home. Through him, I met Karen, (Tiques), while Jerry and I were vacationing in Montana in 1995. She owns the The Osprey Nest which is a most prestigious antique shop. Karen is a wonderful friend; she's down to earth, interesting and fun to talk to and penpal with thru e-mail. She was also a faithful contributor toTipi In The Trees with sharing her recipes, -- attesting to her reputation as a great cook. Karen is "hooked on Scrabble" and we play a perpetual stream of internet games to occupy our minds. Connecting with Mark and Karen in cyberspace has been wonderful and exciting for me. I'll always remember Skeezer, as a newbie, downloading his first wav and hearing it as we were talking on the telephone. The moment was a prize!
Here is my favorite picture of Mark! He sent it to me at Christmas in 1996. He's the best!!!

Karen always has an interesting story to tell and has been very interested in rug hooking during the past year and has made some beautiful projects with her hand-died wool. One of her projects was a farm scene which my sister, Jill, sketched onto a piece of canvas. See more of Karen's talents and some pictures inside the Osprey Nest at TIQUE'S TECHNIQUES..
The Osprey Nest itself is nestled on the shores of Flathead Lake near Somers. The osprey sit high above the lake and can be seen flying to and from the nest. It's a great place and the shop is one of a kind and unique in every way. During the busy season I don't see Tiques and Skeezer online as much as I'd like, but it is always a joy for me when I run into them in #MonoCreekLodge or Powwow.

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